Our Vision
The Fallon Food Hub is a bustling educational gathering place, market and distribution center for local farmers and specialty food producers, serving members and surrounding communities.
Our Goals
Fallon Food Hub will provide educational opportunities for the community about health and wellness, farming/agriculture, and the benefits of eating locally and seasonally.
- Identify what people want to learn about by conducting surveys.
- Identify our teachers and resources.
- Host classes monthly.
- Regularly update members and community on recipes.
- Post articles in newspaper monthly.
Advocacy for Farmers
Ongoing education for members and surrounding communities about farmers and the origins of local food.
- Develop profiles for farmers and value-added producers.
- Post farmer and producer’s profiles in store.
- Monthly broadcasts through social media, member communication, and print regarding farmer and producers.
- Link on website of producer’s map.
Marketing and Membership
Increase participation of the community in the service and opportunities provided by the Fallon Food Hub
- Spread the word. Speak with one civic/ public/ corp./ organization a month.
- Four new/renewing members a week.
- Mailing list for press releases.
- Create and distribute general information poster about the Food Hub including EBT.
- Generate volunteer schedule and system.
Obtain ongoing funding though grants, civic, public and corporate sponsorships to sustain operations and enable further growth.
- Research grants available/ potential grant sources and develop pitch.
- Write requests for targeted amounts.
- Submit requests or general sponsorships.
- Present requests
Activities in which we will engage include:
- Production, packaging, distribution, preparation, advertising, purchase, and sale of food products, other commodities, and general merchandise.
- Similar or incidental ventures and businesses on behalf of the members of FFHC and the community at large.
- Increasing awareness of, and appreciation for, local farming and proper nutrition
Co-operative Principles:
- Voluntary and open membership
- Democratic member control, i.e. One Member = One Vote
- Member economic participation
- Autonomy and independence
- Education, training, and information
- Cooperation among Cooperatives
- Concern for community
Our Mission
The Fallon Food Hub is to educate our community about the benefits of eating seasonally and healthfully in order to create a thriving and expanding local food scene resulting in increased opportunities for area producers.